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Think personal training is expensive?
Think personal training is too expensive? Let’s talk about that for a minute.
Maybe you’re in good shape with great cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, etc., and you’re not on your way to diabetes like the approximately 50 million Americans around …
Something is better than nothing…
Why do you think you’re not motivated to work out? Are you perhaps aiming too high and setting yourself up for disappointment? I don’t know if this is you, but I know a lot of people tell themselves that they’re …
Paleo Man cracks me up!
As always, I’m here to pass along some information I think is helpful (or in this case funny as well). The first is a link to an article in Huffington Post that I actually laughed out loud at. You …
Since I’m a personal trainer and very focused on nutrition these days, you probably assume that I’ve always been a healthy eater and maintained a healthy weight. That’s not the case.
I was raised by parents who were 40 years …
Before it’s too late….
The best friend of someone I know collapsed recently with a heart attack. He died on the way to the hospital. He was 44, married and had two teenage kids. He was also very overweight, with a poor diet and …
Try something new!

Is convenience making us fat? It’s under YOUR control!
Convenience and/or automation can be wonderful. Remember when we had to actually leave the house to buy things? Park the car and walk into a restaurant to buy lunch? Open the mini-van door and maneuver two kids into car seats …
Why cool down? Because not doing so could kill you!
Cooling down is very important when you exercise. Let’s start at the beginning though and talk about why warming up is also important. The physiological reason to warm up is to assist your circulatory system in pumping oxygen-rich blood to …
Eating Healthier 2014
Did you realize that this is the last week of the first month of the year?! Wow, it’s already going by quickly. How are you doing with those 2014 goals? You’re probably right on top of things, but if you …